Image via CrunchBase
But here we go, I’ve written a lot about the impact social media usage is having around the world and having spent the first part of August attending the Inman technology conference in San Francisco, where social media was a dominant theme, I thought I’d take a look at what is happening in the Australian market.
Facebook led the sector with over 6 million visitors, growing 95% from last year.
What’s more, social networking use is quite high across the web, composing almost 90% of users that populated Australia’s top Internet properties for the month.
Other interesting facts are as follows:
Nearly nine million Australians visited a social network in June, making it among the more popular content categories on-line.
Another idea is to attend one of my forth coming workshops on social media.
So which sites were the most popular?
Social media is now an essential part of peoples’ daily on-line routine, providing a level of engagement and reach that far exceeds most other content categories, so understanding how to leverage this audience successfully is both a challenge and significant opportunity for most small business owners.
It’s amazing how quickly you can get out of the discipline of writing blog posts, and having just returned from the US and not having written any articles for awhile, it’s really taken me a little time to get back in the mode again.
As always, let me know if I can assist you or answer any questions you may have with regard to Internet marketing and web site SEO.
Windows Live Profile chalked up close to two million visitors, but Twitter grew the most, rising to 800,000 visitors in June — up from 13,000 in June of last year.
If you are still mystified by social media, let me know and I’ll help shed some light on how you can successfully tap into this medium for your business.
In June, over 70% of Internet users visited a social network site in Australia, that transposes into an increase of 29%.